Q: Why is CARES a valuable investment? 

A: The cost of treating the fallout for mental health disorders, addiction, violence, job insecurity, etc. is far greater than implementing a well-rounded social emotional coaching program that equips individuals with the education and tools to lead healthy, successful lives. Educational institutions are grappling with staff turnover, burnout, and morale issues: All of these impact the budget. An investment in CARES is an investment in your teachers, your students, and our future. 

Q: All of our teachers have full plates. How do I get my educators excited about CARES?

A: CARES workshops are about cultivating connection, and learning how to meet students where they are at. When we demonstrate care, concern and interest for our ALL students, we create strong relationships, trust and a sense of belonging. Our CARES workshops provide ample ideas and strategies to engage students at every level and teach mental fitness strategies to improve well being.  We target CARES workshops to build upon staff mindset, culture, and ambition while ‘having a lot of fun!

Q: Can we talk to other schools that have invested in CARES to make sure this is a good fit for us?

A: Absolutely!  We would be happy to  provide you with testimonials and a list of school contacts who have invested in CARES that match your needs or demographics.

Q: How do we ensure that the success we have with CARES workshops initially can be sustained?

A: Our CARES facilitator will provide training on exactly that dynamic; we know this needs to be an ongoing practice, not merely a lesson learned. When you invest in CARES, you have the option to have yearly support throughout the process and we will work with you on how to maintain and sustain the impact.

Q: We would love to invest in CARES for our educators, but what if we don’t have the funding for it?

A: Our CARES workshops are offered at a very affordable rate. If funding is an issue, we can customize a package to match your budget. While onsite engagement has the most impact, all of our workshops can be offered virtually at reduced prices. We would also be happy to share with you strategies other schools have used to generate funds to support their SEL needs.